A Comforting Thought for a Third Generation Jeweler

Discovered in Siberia, this bracelet predates the stone age by 10,000 years

Discovered in Siberia, this bracelet predates the stone age by 10,000 years

After several years of research, scientists have confirmed that this bracelet was crafted by a mysterious species known as the Denisova over 40,000 years ago. It was found in Siberia near the Chinese boarder among several other artifacts and the remains of woolly mammoths. The Denisova share no DNA to neither Neanderthals or modern Humans. But this bracelet, now oldest example of skilled craftsmanship on record, displays how jewelry has played a role in our evolution. It was previously believed that the skills to craft something like this were only available to humans by 10,000 B.C. "The skills of this creator were perfect." The craftsman who made the bracelet seemed to have used something similar to a modern drill. Made of chriolite, the speed of the drill was high and the fluctuations minimal, resulting in clean, crisp drill hole. The craftsman of this piece was a true master.  

"The Skills of this creator were perfect"

What I have always found fascinating is that jewelry has been ingrained in Human history as a part of who we are and how we've evolved. Whether it was used in religious ceremonies, to ward off evil spirits, as sign of status, or simply worn for it's beauty. The physical skills used to craft jewelry are directly linked to our evolution. Jewelry, from the very dawn of mankind and our predecessors, has been a part of who we are mentally, physically and spiritually. As a third generation jeweler, that's a comforting thought. 

Read more about this magnificent find at:

The Siberian Times & The Digital Journal