Our Annie

Our Annie,

If you've stopped in Huffords over the last several years for a visit chances are you've been greeted by Annie Hufford. The blonde beauty has a gentle loving way about her that is sure to put a smile on anyone’s face she encounters. She calms our sometimes nervous engagement clients, plays with the children who visit our store and always shares her prized possession "snuffy" with clients seeking her company.

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Our Annie is by far the most asked about employee. Some would say she is a bit of a local celebrity;)
Several times a week customers come bearing treats for our sweet Annie. On her days off she is truly missed by her Huffords co workers and Huffords clients.

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As we at Huffords look forward to the next generation, Dan Hufford taking over, rest assured Annie will still maintain her position of official Huffords greeter. Although her dad Duff will be taking a few more days off here and there, Annie will continue to be apart of the Huffords team!
The past couple days Annie was a little worn out from her extra holiday work hours but she has been resting up well in her dads office ready to take on 2019! Stop by and see our Annie girl soon.

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